Mia Nasenyana
3 min readJan 11, 2022
Image:Founder jar


I know it's been a hoot minute since I was here, but here I am now and hoping I will be constant in the writing…maybe a thing for 2022? yeah maybe.

Well for the New Year? I think am easing into it...I was just not feeling myself part of Christmas into the New Year? but am getting a hand at it. Am getting a lot of overstimulation from social media. you know those posts of NEW YEAR NEW ME and all that shebang, and I find myself not feeling that hype, and I know am not alone in this, and am here to tell you that it is okay.

You need time to organise your year and that's okay. you need time to think through your plans and that's okay hun, you need time to meditate and prepare mentally, clearing and organising your own space and that is still okay.

So am here to affirm you that no matter how important it is to start afresh and put in new things and plans? don't allow yourself to succumb to the pressure to feel in any particular way about a new year. I know you will find a way to honour your commitments throughout the year remembering you can start afresh at any point of the year.

Having that out of the way, I would love to talk about the title of today's blog. Vision boards, goal setting and the manifestation of this year for me. For sure what I know is I have a lot of healing to do and lots of inward-looking to do, cause this girl right here has been through a lot this year. Yes, there were wins here and there but the journey is quite something else and one is grateful for. So this year, we decided we are moving this from the head, into paper, onto aboard. And I thought I should share some of them here and on how I plan to go around them.

As one of my resolution for 2021 was being intentional on the content that I follow on Instagram and that lead me to a page called CEO Stevedown and that's where I got the inspiration for today's blog.

So on our vision board, we would set our goals around 4 main categories. Of what we would want to achieve and change this year in each category. Ensuring we become better than we were last year and improving the areas of our life that need the working. It's not enough saying we want to be better this year, we have to break it down into aspects of our life that we want to actively work towards in bettering. The guiding blocks for our goal setting and vision board are centred around

  1. Work
  2. Personal life
  3. Self-improvement
  4. Personal finances

Now that we have those 4 guiding blocks in place. Do we have smart goals for each category? By SMART I mean are they SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ATTAINABLE, RELEVANT, TIMELY.

Specific:-What do you want to do?

Measurable:-How will you track your progress?

Attainable:-How will you do it?

Relevant:-Is this relevant to your life right now?

Timely:-When do you want to do it?

Work: What skills do you plan on enhancing? How do you intend to go about it? how do you ensure you are paid more/promoted?

Personal life: What addictions are slowing you down? What areas of your life need improvement? what do you need to do to be a better person to yourself and the people around you?

Self-improvement: Are you enrolling on a new course? Do you need to keep fit? Do you need to build your social capital more?

Personal Finances: How are you increasing your income? How do you invest more? How do you get financially fit?

Once you have figured these out? write them down and put them on your vision board, and let the universe work this towards you. Do you believe in the law of attraction and manifestation? Well, there it is.

Remember,you don't have to feel pressured to start now. Start when you are ready and every other thing will fall in place.

Love and Light,




Mia Nasenyana

Adoket is a nomad from Kenya’s Wild North-Turkana. I share stories about my thoughts and experiences throughout the different chapters of my life.Join me.