Mia Nasenyana
3 min readDec 23, 2022

Dear Me,

How are you, sweetpea? I really mean how are you? I know the past few years haven't been easy. A lot of transition has happened and a lot of transformation, but it also came with some wins.

Your 30’s came with presents. You got into YALI(YALI AFRICA LEADERS INITIATIVE)something you wanted and you put in all the work to get there. am so proud of you. Got a Finance award WOW!!! look at you and what have you done with MIA! You also finished therapy and you got perspective on a lot of things. And you, my love, are stronger than you think. Look at all those things you overcame but didn't turn you bitter, instead you stood by your truth and were yourself.No matter what people perceived of you, you always shinned through at the end of the day. You have had a lot of people try to tear you down, and sometimes your bent, but you are here now and you have always been yourself, and you have always wanted that and you have been graceful and handled yourself with so much class and its only because you knew how hard you worked and not letting any of all the negative get to you.

I know you went to therapy cause you began questioning your truth and reality, it took time, but you are here. You made it through and on your journey towards healing. I know you have anxiety about relationships and babies, but that would fall in place at the right time.

The beauty of life is that each time has its own season, and those things will find you when the time is right. You have also learned that it is not your responsibility to take care of everyone except those that are under you.. that little fury of a 9-year-old… that's who you have learnt that you are responsible and accountable to. When you start putting things that aren't for you on your shoulder? you get drained.

The 30s huh! has had a way of teaching you to give life some time to bring clarity. Those things that you tended to have instant results, you have learnt to let them fall in place when the time is right and that has come with so much peace. You have also started checking and correcting yourself instead of blaming others, you have taken your power back by being responsible for your life and am so proud of you. You have started to dig deep and ask yourself why you do things the way you do and why you are the way you are and am glad you are getting to know yourself on a deeper level and hun, you will thrive

You are resilient and am glad you have learnt how to get through tough moments. You have learnt not to trust the way you see yourself when your mind is turbulent and remember that even pain is temporary.

You have learnt to honour your boundaries and treat yourself gently and with so much grace, you have learnt to let go of perfection and knowing sometimes things can be flawed but that doesn't make them less beautiful. You have learnt how to feel your emotions without letting them control you. You have learnt that you have enough experience to face the storm and evolve from it.

The past few months have been pivotal for you, but I know you will be fine. Papa has been helpful in manifesting his ways in so many different forms and assuring you he is with you through it all and dear you are truly loved by the heavenly father. Am happy how you are reading his word too and asking him to purify you and sanctify you, and that he will truly do.

I know you have a lot of questions and am glad you have learnt to surrender all your expectations to Papa for he knows best and what's right for you. But for now, we will continue praising and worshipping.

Lots of Love Adoket.

You will be Fine.

Love and Light.




Mia Nasenyana

Adoket is a nomad from Kenya’s Wild North-Turkana. I share stories about my thoughts and experiences throughout the different chapters of my life.Join me.